Judge Not
In this little corner of the world,
Two worlds collide head first here on the floor
And you look at me from where I see you standing
You don't know my heart but know it's understanding

Judge, Not, Judge, I'll not judge you
But, I'll, Not, Lie to please you

I'm not in here to point holy fingers
But to show you love that's unrelenting
And you see the world from where it is I'm standing
You will know His heart and know It's understanding

I'll open my mouth to speak life, Not to vomit on you, In spirit, in love, Not in condemnation

God!!!! God Almighty Help me understand
Help me make You oh so clear to them

Brother I know your pain, I've felt those same dark clouds, Hang over me, and never bring, and never bring the rain. A dark cloud, it wraps around, just like a demonic fist. It's choking you, you're breathing weak, the pressure's just too much, Your eyes grow dim, it's over now, or so it seems, is this the end?

You pour it out, another day, your life into this place, Squeezing out your very life, snuffing out the light that shines, Running all your dreams alive//into the ground until you die//

I know the fear of no way out, while some folks end it with their hands your spirit makes you stick it out and march on through this war, And so you hold, that last thread, the tapestry of hope you had
It's evident, the pain is real the scars are there to show you

Praying that your light would shine
Mourning for the hurt inside
Running with your dreams alive
//Rebuke the hand that seeks your life//

This Wickedness

I cut my ties off from you I can feel this
This steady pouring of death in my veins
You like to keep me around so you can sleep good
With the company of like suicide
You take a hit and exhale your life away
Another day sacrificed to your god
You pour it out and you drink of this wickedness
And I've just come to let you know i'm done

I close my eyes and I pray for your salvation that you might come to understand you've got to get out from this, I look to God and ask that he would open up your eyes, Pull you from this darkness pull you from this Wickedness

I see your bloodshot eyes from the lack of sleep
I smell the night before on your clothes
You wear a smile that hides what you feel inside
And you believe that nobody knows
But you don't fool me you never could
It's clear to me that this is what it shows
I see through you and I see through your happy face
I know what lies behind cause I was you

//I see through everything//
Cause it's a front
//I see through everything//
Cause it was my front
//I see through everything//
So let me take you to the One who freed me

Humble Now

Humbly bow at Your feet
Humbly bow I do now
Everything else fades, the expression on my face as well, And I'm not here cause I'm in You

And I can feel You all around feel You inside and out, Cause I'm in You and You in me
And never again will I be

I don't care what they say
Let them talk while I'm away
I'll just run and hide somewhere deep inside
The shadow of Your wings where harmful words can't reach

Downward Spiral

Stupidity to anger, anger to pain, pain to bruises and cuts you can't explain, laughter to tears, tears to insane, insanity to anger, and anger causes pain

Pain to the body, Pain to the mind, pain to the soul and the emptiness it hides, trying to cry out trying to break free, trying to run away, away from the misery

The more they beat you down, the more you have to be, the more they break your spirit, the more pain your body needs, the more pain you can take, and you feel it, and you have to get away

I can't feel pain my mind won't let me
I can't survive but I can't diminish
My mind becomes confused, controlled, condemned to nothing, my mind won't let me live this way forever I need some way of escaping

Escape from the anger of my stupidity
Forgiven by what my God did that day

Cover Me
Hold me help me understand, speak to me make me be a man, that's led by Your right hand, through thick and thin I will surely stand, You're God and I am foolish boy Battered around by the devil's ploy, Speak truth in my life today, Plant me so I will never stay

Cover, Cover, Cover, Cover, Cover me
Cover me with Your right hand let me live again
cover me with Your right hand cover me

Keep me looking to the east awaiting that eternal feast, Help me keep my heart aligned, spotless as a holy bride, Ween me of the crave of flesh, Holy Spirit Come refresh Fill me with Your holy Breath
Take me life beyond my death

Patriotism's Not Repentance

A cold dark september, The beginning of the end
Bombs drop beside our ego's, fall to the side
Blood to the horses bridal, No sense of pride
Poured out no resurrection, Beginning of the end

A new awareness since the day he opened up ur eyes
Pulled away the veil that made everything seem ok
The waving flags and signs that say 'these colors don't run' Are in a drawer with 'Dear Mr. Jesus' and 'We Are The World'


Our fertile soil, Is being overtaken by weeds and briars. Our rightousness is being traded in for propaganda. So scared of beating a dead horse
That the thing has gotten away from us

Close your eyes to paint something real
Distorting your thoughts to fit what you feel

All music and lyrics by Za^mar, Except the lyrics on Downward spiral, Moment into memory/Memory to the sky, by Kaylyn Wisehart

If you have any questions about our lyrics feel free to e-mail me.
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