Comfort Zone
How is this to be understood? How is this to be conceived? Life brings forth life, and death brings only a break. A tiny sliver of time, between physical and spiritual, temporary and eternal, a fork in the path, leaves the choice up to you. Only you can make that choice, make it before it's too late.

But while you slumber deep in dream there's a place where souls scream. Can you sleep well while you ponder that someone you know may be under. But do we have the will to step out of our comfort zone.

//Pour ourselves into someone else
and truly work for God//

//Eternal souls are on the balance, and we hold the keys to set them free//

The power to pray, the masks off their eyes, that they might see the paths of destruction that their feet pound away at, day by day. The wisdom to teach, and exhort their fragile faith.

////Lord I know I lack in everyone of these but let this be the first step in aligning my heart with yours////

How are you to understand this, How are you to concieve this, Your life brings forth life and your death would only bring you a break, A tiny sliver of time between your life and the spiritual, Your life and the eternal, A fork in your path leaves the choice up to you


Mt. Of Olives

I'll pour my spirit of grace on the house of David They'll look on me whom they've pierced, and mourn as someone mourns thier only son

It shall be in that day they will cut off the names, the names of the idols, The idols in that land, Awake O sword against my own sheppard, Against my companion

Strike sheppard scatter sheep, Two thirds will be cut off but one third shall be left, Refine them as silver, Test them as gold

They will call, on my name, They will call on my name, I will say this is my people and they will say the Lord is my God, The day of the Lord is comming, and I will gather the nations to battle against Jeruselem, the city shal be taken

But the remnant won't be cut off

Then the Lord will go forth and fight against those nations. As He fights in the day of battle, And in that day His feet will stand on the Mt of Olives which face Jeruselem on the east, And the Mt. Of Olives shall be split in two, from east to west, And in that day His feet shal stand on the Mt. of Olives and the Mt. Of Olives shall be split in two from east to west

It shall be, In that day, Living waters will flow
In that day, It shall be The Lord is one, His name's one

Moment Into Memory/Memory To The Sky

Don't wake up, can't feel the pain
Don't cry out, it's all in vain
Don't ask for help, It's all my pride
Don't feel alive as life passes by
Moment int memory, memory to the sky

Not to the day but the night
That passes by
Take from the body
Your heart and soul

The joy and the laughter, untold
Don't wake up can't feel the pain
The laughter the joy, they've faded away
Don't cry ou, it's all, in vain
heart and soul were taken away
Don't ask for help It's all my pride
Moment into memory, memory to the sky

Pain overtakes me, I wanna cry out
I need your help, but my will has sold me out
I feel so lost, alone in the dark
Why does my pride have to take part
If you don't wake up you can't feel the pain
If you don't cry out there is no shame
If you don't ask for help you know you've got pride
Moment into memory, memory to the sky

My pride rises up, It won't suffocate
Why does it control, or negotiate
I want to surrender, for mercy cry out
I wanna wake up, And not have any doubts

All I need is your help
your word as my knife

Cut into this world, remove all my strife
It needs to disappear, disappear in asphyxiation
Away into the night
I wanna have faith, I wanna have life
I wanna cry out, wanna be real
with you in my life, don't wanna be

A moment turned to memory
Memory gone to the sky

Your Love

In this song the lyrics ary completly improv, and the music is set but the changes happen whenever we want them to. The song just talks about our feelings about God's love. We just feel that a song about that can't have just one set of words because there would never be enough time to tell all of our feelings on God's love. Everytime we play this song it is 100% from the heart, Enjoy

All music and lyrics by Za^mar, Except the lyrics on Downward spiral, Overcomer, Moment into memory/Memory to the sky, by Kaylyn Wisehart