
Hey all the new band is almost set we just need a second guitarist.  the new band name is Blood Stains The Garden.  It is a step towards the Grind/hardcore scene.  we almost have our EP finished we just have to lay down vocals and master it.  you will be able to get it for two bucks so if you want it just e-mail me at





We are playing battle of the bands at Emporia State University November 13th, in albert taylor hall. We have total lineup changes. Andrew Happle will be teraing you apart with vocals, I am playing guitar, Sajid Kahn is playing drums, Trent Randle is playing bass and we may be having a guest cameo guitarist from a solidstate records band..... All of the material we are playing is different so be ready. You all need to come out and support us and to get an oppinion about the band because this may be the new band.


Hey everyone sorry about the delays in updating our site we have been really busy with band changes and cornerstone. Tears and blood records called me the other day intrested in signing the band so we are very serious about getting new musicians so if you are intrested let me know. Well I have some news, we will be out playing again soon but we are bringing in a new singer and drummer, and possibly a second guitar player. We are planning to get much harder and more chaotic. The new drummer is undecided so if you would like a shot at the position e-mail me at, or look for me on campus. We have one or two people in mind for vocals but if oyu are intrested let me know. On top of all the member and music changes we are thinking about changing our name. The name is Blood Stains The Garden. We have been getting more and more direction from God the last few months, and we know some changes are in order. Please pray for us in the upincoming months.

God Bless

Za^mar is a hard-core band from Emporia, KS. We have been playing for almost two and a half years and have played with bands such as Still Breathing and Coven Of Scars. We use this as a ministry for the one and only God. I hope you will have the opportunity to come check us out live. Please sign our guestbook. God bless!

I just got my online journal up on the net. That is a good place to get new band info.

We already have 3 songs that are not on the cd that we are preparing to start playing live. We are planning to go back to the studio at the end of the summer, so keep posted for more info

Hey everyone, We just got three of our songs on so download them as much as you can. We want to catch some attention. The site is^mar
The three songs are Judge Not, Comfort Zones, and Patriotism's Not Repentance. The more you download them the more we will get noticed. So represent for Ks metal. Also check out They are the best metal that Kansas City has to offer

Feel free to send us your feedback on the site and music.

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you from?:
What is your favorite band?
Do you like Za^mar?
How What would you like za^mar to change?

Sign the guestbook you pansy


For booking info, contact Josh Barbee
Copyright 2002 ZA^MAR